Making the quib icon

A demo of interactive design of the quib icon.

  • Features

    • Graphics-driven assignments

    • Inverse assignments

    • User-functions

  • Try me

    • Drag the marker handles to change the ‘quib’ icon.

    • Play with the sliders to choose line-width.

    • Use the check-box to turn markers invisible.

from pyquibbler import iquib, initialize_quibbler, quiby
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.widgets as widgets
%matplotlib tk
def get_icon(par):
    """Returns the quib icon line path"""

    def arc(tet1, tet2, x0, y0, dx, dy):
        tet = np.linspace(tet1, tet2, 50) * 2 * np.pi / 360;
        return np.vstack([
            x0 + np.cos(tet) * dx,
            y0 + np.sin(tet) * dy

    def add_segment(added_xy):
        nonlocal xy
        xy = np.hstack([xy, [[np.NaN], [np.NaN]], added_xy]);

    xy = np.zeros((2,1))

    # make the curve of the 'q'
    add_segment(arc(90 - par['qbExtend'], 270 - par['qbExtend'],
                    -par['Width'], 0, par['qbCurve'], 1))

    # make the line of the 'q'
        -np.array([[1, 1]]) * par['Width'],
         np.array([par['qbLineDown'], par['qbLineUp']])]))

    # make the 'u'
    add_segment(arc(par['uiAngle1'], 360 + par['uiAngle2'],
                    -par['uiWidth'] - par['uiShift'], 1, par['uiWidth'], 2))

    # reflect

    return xy
# Define the parameters of the icon

is_handles_visible = iquib(True)

icon_props = iquib({
    'LineWidth':   15,
    'PointWidth':  1.2,
    'Width':       2.9,
    'qbCurve':     1.5,
    'qbLineDown': -3.3,
    'qbLineUp':    0.9,
    'qbExtend':    0.,
    'uiAngle1':    177,
    'uiAngle2':    -49,
    'uiWidth':     1.,
    'uiShift':     0.1,

point_position = iquib(np.array([0., 1.]))
color = iquib(np.array([79, 113, 191]) / 255);
# Set the figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 7))
axs = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.4, 0.8, 0.55])
axs.axis([-6, 6, -6, 6]);
# Plot the icon
xy = get_icon(icon_props)
axs.plot(xy[0], xy[1], linewidth=icon_props['LineWidth'], color=color);
# add the dot abobe the 'i'
axs.plot(point_position[0] + icon_props['uiWidth'] + icon_props['uiShift'],
         point_position[1] + 1,
         marker='o', markersize=icon_props['LineWidth']*icon_props['PointWidth']);
# Plot the handle-markers
options = {'markersize':icon_props['LineWidth'],

axs.plot(icon_props['Width'], 0, 'dk', **options)
axs.plot(icon_props['qbCurve'] + icon_props['Width'], 0, 'dk', **options)
axs.plot(icon_props['Width'], -icon_props['qbLineDown'], '^k', **options)
axs.plot(icon_props['uiWidth'] + icon_props['uiShift'], 1, 'dk', **options)
axs.plot(icon_props['uiShift'] + 2 * icon_props['uiWidth'], -1, 'dk', **options)

tet2 = icon_props['uiAngle2'] * (2*np.pi/360)
axs.plot(-np.cos(tet2) * icon_props['uiWidth'] + icon_props['uiWidth'] + icon_props['uiShift'],
         -np.sin(tet2) * 2 - 1, 'ok', **options);
# Make the Sliders widgets
axs = fig.add_axes([0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 0.02])
widgets.Slider(ax=axs, valmin=1, valmax=40,
               label='line width', valinit=icon_props['LineWidth']);

axs = fig.add_axes([0.2, 0.25, 0.6, 0.02])
widgets.Slider(ax=axs, valmin=0, valmax=2,
               label='point size', valinit=icon_props['PointWidth']);
# Make the CheckButtons widget
axs = fig.add_axes([0.2, 0.02, 0.4, 0.16])
w = widgets.CheckButtons(ax=axs, labels=['Show handles'], actives=[is_handles_visible]);