
class pyquibbler.Quib(quib_function_call: QuibFuncCall = None, assignment_template: AssignmentTemplate | None = None, allow_overriding: bool = False, assigned_name: str | None = None, created_in: FileAndLineNumber | None = None, graphics_update: GraphicsUpdateType | None = None, save_directory: pathlib.Path | None = None, save_format: SaveFormat | None = None, func: Callable | None = None, args: Args = (), kwargs: Kwargs = None, func_definition: FuncDefinition = None, cache_mode: CacheMode = None)

Bases: object

A Quib represents the output of a call to a specific function with specific arguments.



The function run by the quib.


The positional arguments to be passed to the function run by the quib.


The keyworded arguments for the function run by the quib.


Indicates whether the quib is an input quib (iquib).


Specifies whether the function runs by the quib is a graphics function.


Indicates whether the quib represents a random function.


Indicates whether the quib represents a function that loads external files.


Indicates whether the quib runs an impure function.


Indicates whether the quib passes quib arguments to its function.



Calculate the entire value of the quib.


Invalidate the quib value.


Return the number of dimensions of the quib's value.


Return the shape of the quib's value.


Return the type of the quib's value.


The caching mode for the quib.


The status of the quib's cache.



Return the set of quibs that are immediately downstream of the current quib.

get_parents([bypass_intermediate_quibs, ...])

Return the set of quibs immediate upstream to the current quib.

get_descendants([bypass_intermediate_quibs, ...])

Search for all quibs downstream of current quib.

get_ancestors([bypass_intermediate_quibs, depth])

Search for all upstream quibs that this quib depends on.



Indicates whether the quib's value can be overridden.


Specifies the quibs to which assignments to this quib could inverse-translate to.


Dictates type and range restricting assignments to the quib.


Sets an assignment template for the quib.

assign(value, *keys)

Assign a value to the whole quib, or to a specific key.


Return an Overrider object representing a list of overrides performed on the quib.


Create a new quib whose value is the override mask of the current quib.

File sync


The project object that the quib belongs to.


The directory where quib assignments are saved.


The actual directory where quib file is saved.


The file format in which quib overriding assignments are saved.


The actual save_format used by the quib.


The full path for the file where quib assignments are saved.

load([response_to_file_not_defined, ...])

Load quib assignments from the quib's file.

save([response_to_file_not_defined, ...])

Save the quib assignments to the quib's file.


Sync quib assignments with the quib's file.

Name and display


The name of the quib.


The assigned_name of the quib.


Create a new quib representing the name of the current quib.


The file and line number where the quib was created.


A string representing the function and arguments of the quib.


a pretty string representation of the quib.


a simple string representation of the quib.


Display the quib as a QuibWidget.


Returns a QuibPropertiesViewer which displays the properties of the quib.



Specifies when the quib should re-evaluate and refresh graphics.


The actual graphics update mode of the quib.


Specifies whether the quib is a graphics quib.



Return an iterator to the first amount elements of the quib.

setp([allow_overriding, ...])

Set one or more properties on a quib.

property func: Callable

The function run by the quib.

A quib calls its function func, with its positional arguments args and its keyworded arguments kwargs.

The quib’s value is given by value = func(*args, **kwargs), with any quibs in args or kwargs replaced by their values (unless pass_quibs=True).

See also

args, kwargs, pass_quibs, is_pure, is_random, is_graphics


>>> w = iquib(0.5)
>>> s = np.sin(w)
>>> s.func


property args: Tuple[Any, ...]

The positional arguments to be passed to the function run by the quib.

A quib calls its function func, with its positional arguments args and its keyworded arguments kwargs.

The quib’s value is given by value = func(*args, **kwargs).

args is a tuple of all positional arguments, which could each be any object including quibs. Any quibs in args are replaced with their values when the function is called (unless pass_quibs=True).

See also

func, kwargs, pass_quibs


>>> w = iquib(0.5)
>>> s = w + 10
>>> s.args
(w, 10)

tuple of any

property kwargs: Dict[str, Any]

The keyworded arguments for the function run by the quib.

A quib calls its function func, with its positional arguments args and its keyworded arguments kwargs.

The quib’s value is given by value = func(*args, **kwargs).

kwargs is a dictionary of str keywords mapped to any object including non-quib or quib arguments. Any quibs in kwargs are replaced with their values when the function is called (unless pass_quibs=True).

See also

func, args, pass_quibs


>>> a = iquib(10)
>>> s = np.linspace(start=0, stop=a)
>>> s.kwargs
{'start': 0, 'stop': a}

dict of str to any

property is_impure: bool

Indicates whether the quib runs an impure function.

True if the function of the quib is impure, either a random function or a file loading function.


>>> n = iquib(5)
>>> r = np.random.randint(0, n)
>>> r.is_impure


property is_random: bool

Indicates whether the quib represents a random function.

A quib that represents a random function automatically caches its value. Thereby, repeated calls to the quib return the same random cached results (quenched randomization). This behaviour guarentees mathematical consistency (for example, if r is a random quib s = r - r will always give a value of 0).

The quib can be re-evaluated (randomized), by invalidating its value either locally using invalidate() or centrally, using qb.reset_random_quibs()


>>> n = iquib(5)
>>> r = np.random.randint(0, n)
>>> r.is_random


property is_file_loading: bool

Indicates whether the quib represents a function that loads external files.

A quib whose value depends on the content of external files automatically caches its value. Thereby, repeated calls to the quib return the same results even if the file changes.

The quib can be re-evaluated, by invalidating its value either locally using invalidate() or centrally, using qb.reset_file_loading_quibs()


>>> file_name = iquib('my_file.txt')
>>> x = np.loadtxt(file_name)
>>> x.is_file_loading


property pass_quibs: bool

Indicates whether the quib passes quib arguments to its function.

Normally, any parent quibs within the args and kwargs of the focal quib are replaced with their values when the quib calls its function (pass_quibs=False).

Setting pass_quibs=True, such quib arguments are passed directly to the quib’s function, as quib objects. Such behavior is important if we need to allow inverse assignments from graphics created in the function.

See also

args, kwargs



property cache_status: CacheStatus

The status of the quib’s cache.

ALL_INVALID : the cache is fully invalid, or the quib is not caching.

ALL_VALID : The cache is fully valid.

PARTIAL : Only part of the quib’s cache is valid.



property cache_mode: CacheMode

The caching mode for the quib.

Dictates whether the quib should cache its value upon function evaluation.

Can be set as CacheMode or as str:

'auto': Caching is decided automatically according to the ratio between evaluation time and memory consumption.

'on': Always cache.

'off': Do not cache, unless the quib’s function is random or graphics.


Quibs with random functions and graphics quibs are always cached even when cache mode is 'off'.




Invalidate the quib value.

Invalidate the value of the quib and the value of any downstream dependent quibs. Any downstream graphic quibs will be re-evaluated.

property is_graphics: bool

Specifies whether the function runs by the quib is a graphics function.

True : known graphics functions

False : known non-graphics functions

None : auto-detect. Used for functions that may create graphics (default for user functions).


bool or None

property is_graphics_quib: bool

Specifies whether the quib is a graphics quib.

A quib is defined as a graphics quib if its function is a known graphics function (is_graphics=True), or if its function’s is graphics-auto-detect (is_graphics=None) and a call to the function created graphics.

Additionally, quibs with assigned callback functions are also defined as graphics.

A quib defined as a graphics quib will automatically-refreshes upon upstream changes, based on its graphics_update property.



property graphics_update: GraphicsUpdateType | None

Specifies when the quib should re-evaluate and refresh graphics.

Can be set to a GraphicsUpdateType, or str:

'drag' : Update continuously as upstream quibs are being dragged, or upon programmatic assignments to upstream quibs (default for graphics quibs).

'drop' : Update only at the end of dragging of upstream quibs (at mouse ‘drop’), or upon programmatic assignments to upstream quibs.

'central' : Do not automatically update graphics upon upstream changes. Only update upon explicit request for the quibs get_value(), or upon the central redraw command: refresh_graphics().

'never' : Do not automatically update graphics upon upstream changes. Only update upon explicit request for the quibs get_value().

None: Yield to the default project’s graphics_update


GraphicsUpdateType or None

property actual_graphics_update

The actual graphics update mode of the quib.

The quib’s actual_graphics_update is specified by its graphics_update if not None. Otherwise, it defaults to the project’s graphics_update.

property allow_overriding: bool

Indicates whether the quib’s value can be overridden.

The default for allow_overriding is True for input quibs (iquibs) and False in function quibs (fquibs).



assign(value: Any, *keys) None

Assign a value to the whole quib, or to a specific key.

Assuming w is a quib:

w.assign(value) assigns a new value to the quib as a whole.

w.assign(value, key) assigns the quib at the specified key. This is equivalent to w[key] = value.

w.assign(value, key1, key2, ..., keyN) assigns the quib at the specified path of keys. Equivalent to w[key1][key2]...[kenN] = value.

  • value (any) – A value to assign as to the quib at the specified key.

  • keys (any (optional)) – An optional list of arguments representing the keys into which to assign the value.

See also

Inverse-assignments, get_value, assigned_quibs, allow_overriding, get_override_list


Whole-object assignment:

>>> a = iquib([1, 2, 3])
>>> a.assign('new value')
>>> a.get_value()
'new value'

Item-specific assignment:

>>> a = iquib([1, 2, 3])
>>> a.assign('new value', 1)
>>> a.get_value()
[1, 'new value', 3]


Assigned values can override the value of the focal quib, or can inverse propagate to override the values of upstream quibs. The level at which the assignment is actulaized is controlled by the assigned_quibs property of the focal quib to which the assignment is made and by the allow_overriding property of upstream quibs.

property assigned_quibs: None | Set[Quib, ...]

Specifies the quibs to which assignments to this quib could inverse-translate to.


set of Quibs :

Assignments to the quib can be actualized as overrides at any upstream quibs included in the specified set and whose allow_overriding=True.

Quib : Specifying a single quib, instead of a set, is interpreted as a set containing this single quib.

set() :

Prevents assignments to this quib.

‘self’ :

To allow assignments to actualize locally, as overrides of the focal quib to which the assignments are made, the focal quib itself, or ‘self’, can be used alone or as part of the set of quibs. When self is included, the allow_overriding property is automatically set to True.


Assignments to the quib can be actualized as overrides at any upstream quib whose allow_overriding=True. If while inverting the assignment an upstream quib is encountered with defined assigned_quibs (not None), the set it defines is used for choosing upstream quibs for assignments.

If multiple choices are available for inverse assignment, a dialog is presented to allow choosing between these options.


None or set of Quib

property assignment_template: AssignmentTemplate | None

Dictates type and range restricting assignments to the quib.


AssignmentTemplate or None

set_assignment_template(*args) Quib

Sets an assignment template for the quib.

The assignment template restricts the values of overriding assignments to the quib.


  • Set a specific AssignmentTemplate object:


  • Set a bound template between start and stop:

    set_assignment_template(start, stop)

  • Set a bound template between start and stop, with specified step:

    quib.set_assignment_template(start, stop, step)

  • Remove the assignment_template:



quib – The focal quib.

Return type:



>>> a = iquib(20)
>>> a.set_assignment_template(0, 100, 10)  # restrict to 0, 10, ..., 100
>>> a.assign(37)
>>> a.get_value()
>>> a.assign(170)
>>> a.get_value()


Setting the assignment_template only affects future overrides to the quib. It does not alter exisitng overrides.

setp(allow_overriding: bool = missing, assignment_template: None | tuple | AssignmentTemplate = missing, save_directory: None | str | Path = missing, save_format: None | str | SaveFormat = missing, cache_mode: str | CacheMode = missing, assigned_name: None | str = missing, name: None | str = missing, graphics_update: None | str = missing, assigned_quibs: Set[Quib] | None = missing) Quib

Set one or more properties on a quib.

  • allow_overriding (bool, optional) – Specifies whether the quib is open for overriding assignments.

  • assigned_quibs (None, Set[Quib], or 'self', optional) – Indicates which upstream quibs to inverse-assign to.

  • assignment_template (tuple or AssignmentTemplate, optional) – Constrain the type and value of overriding assignments to the quib.

  • save_directory (str or pathlib.Path, optional) – The directory to which quib assignments are saved.

  • save_format ({None, 'off', 'txt', 'bin'} or SaveFormat, optional) – The file format for saving quib assignments.

  • cache_mode ({'auto', 'on', 'off'} or CacheMode, optional) – Indicates whether the quib caches its calculated value.

  • assigned_name (None or str, optional) – The user-assigned name of the quib.

  • name (None or str, optional) – The name of the quib.

  • graphics_update ({None, 'drag', 'drop', 'central', 'never'} or GraphicsUpdateType, optional) – For graphics quibs, indicates when they should be refreshed.


quib – The focal quib.

Return type:


>>> a = iquib(7)
>>> b = (2 * a).setp(allow_overriding=True, assigned_name='two_times_a')
add_callback(callback: Callable)

Add a function to call when the quib value changes.

The callback function will be called when the quib value changes, with the new value of the quib as an argument. The callback is executed upon drag, drop or centrally, as specified by the quib’s graphics_update.


callback (Callable) – The function to call upon a change to the quib value. The function is called as callback(new_value)

remove_callback(callback: Callable)

Remove a function from the callback set.

Remove a function that was added to the quib callbacks.


callback (Callable) – The function to remove

get_callbacks() Set[Callable]

Return the set of callback functions.

Return the set of functions that the quib calls upon value change.


The set of callback functions

Return type:

Set of Callable

get_value_valid_at_path(path: None | List[PathComponent] | List[Any]) Any

Get the value of the quib, calculated only for a requested path.

value = quib.get_value_valid_at_path([c0, c1, ..., cN]) returns value which has the same shape as the real value of the quib (quib.get_value()), but with data that is only guaranteed to be correct at the specified path. Namely, value is only guanteed to be valid at value[c0][c1]...[cmpN].

This can save calculations of heavy to calculate arrays, allowing to calculate only part of the array.


path (list of components, or None) –

path=[c0, c1, ..., cN]: indicates requesting a returned value valid at the indicated path.

Namely, the returned value will be valid at ``value[c0][c1]…[cN].

None: indicates requesting a value with the correct shape and type, but where none of the data elements may be valid.

[]: indicates requesting a fully valid value.


value – a value with the same shape as the real value of the quib, but guaranteed to be valid only at the specified path.

Return type:


See also



>>> def square(x):
>>>     print(f'Calculating square of {x}')
>>>     return x**2
>>> a = iquib([0, 1, 2, 3])
>>> a_sqr = np.vectorize(square, otypes=(int,))(a)
>>> a_sqr.get_value_valid_at_path([2])  # requesting value valid at a_sqr[2]
Calculating square of 2
array([2, 2, 4, 2])


As a simpler alternative to quib.get_value_valid_at_path([c1, c2, ..., cN])[c0][c1]...[cN], you can also use the more natual syntax quib[c0][c1]...[cN].get_value(), which similarly will only calculate the requested part of the array.

get_value() Any

Calculate the entire value of the quib.

Run the function of the quib and return the result, or return the value from the cache if valid.


The result of the function of the quib.

Return type:



>>> a = iquib(3)
>>> b = a ** 2  # lazy evaluation
>>> b.get_value()  # the calculation only occurs when the quib value is requested
get_type() Type

Return the type of the quib’s value.

Implement type of the value of the quib.


The type of the quib’s value.

Return type:



Calculating the type of a quib does not necessarily require calculating its entire value.

get_shape() Tuple[int, ...]

Return the shape of the quib’s value.

Implement np.shape of the value of the quib.


The shape of the quib’s value.

Return type:

tuple of int


Calculating the shape of a quib does not necessarily require calculating its entire value.

get_ndim() int

Return the number of dimensions of the quib’s value.

Implement np.ndim of the value of the quib.


the number of dimensions of the quib’s value.

Return type:



Calculating ndim of a quib does not necessarily require calculating its entire value.

iter_first(amount: int | None = None)

Return an iterator to the first amount elements of the quib.

a, b = quib.iter_first(2) is the same as a, b = quib[0], quib[1].

When amount=None, quibbler will try to detect the correct amount automatically, and might fail with a RuntimeError. For example, a, b = iquib([1, 2]).iter_first() is the same as a, b = iquib([1, 2]).iter_first(2). And even if the quib is larger than the unpacked amount, the iterator will still yield only the first items - a, b = iquib([1, 2, 3, 4]).iter_first() is the same as a, b = iquib([1, 2, 3, 4]).iter_first(2).

Return type:

Iterator of Quib


>>> @quiby
... def sum_and_prod(x):
...     return np.sum(x),
>>> nums = iquib([10, 20, 30])
>>> sum_nums, prod_nums = sum_and_prod(nums).iter_first()
>>> sum_nums.get_value()
>>> prod_nums.get_value()
get_override_list() Overrider | None

Return an Overrider object representing a list of overrides performed on the quib.


an object holding a list of all the assignments to the quib. None if quib is not overridden

Return type:

Overrider or None


Create a new quib whose value is the override mask of the current quib.

Assuming this quib represents a numpy ndarray, return a quib representing its override mask.

The override mask is a boolean array of the same shape, in which every value is set to True if the matching value in the array is overridden, and False otherwise.


A quib representing the override mask of the current quib.

Return type:


get_children(bypass_intermediate_quibs: bool = False) Set[Quib]

Return the set of quibs that are immediately downstream of the current quib.


bypass_intermediate_quibs (bool, default: False) – Indicates whether to bypass intermediate quibs. Intermediate quibs are defined as unnamed and non-graphics quibs (assigned_name=None and is_graphics=False), typically representing intermediate calculations.


The set of child quibs

Return type:

Set of Quib


>>> a = iquib(1)
>>> b = a + 1
>>> c = (a + 2) * b
>>> a.get_children()
{b = a + 1, a + 2}
>>> a.get_children(True)
{b = a + 1, c = (a + 2) * b}
get_descendants(bypass_intermediate_quibs: bool = False, depth: int | None = None) Set[Quib]

Search for all quibs downstream of current quib.

Recursively search downstream to find all the quibs that depend on the current quib.

  • bypass_intermediate_quibs (bool, default: False) – Indicates whether to bypass intermediate quibs. Intermediate quibs are defined as unnamed and non-graphics quibs (assigned_name=None and is_graphics=False), typically representing intermediate calculations.

  • depth (int or None) – Depth of search, 0 returns empty set, 1 returns the children, etc. None for infinite (default).


The set of descendant quibs

Return type:

Set of Quib


>>> a = iquib(1)
>>> b = a + 1
>>> c = (a + 2) * b
>>> d = b * (c + 1)
>>> a.get_descendants()
{b = a + 1, a + 2, c = (a + 2) * b, c + 1, d = b * (c + 1)}
>>> a.get_descendants(True)
{b = a + 1, c = (a + 2) * b, d = b * (c + 1)}
get_parents(bypass_intermediate_quibs: bool = False, is_data_source: bool | None = None) Set[Quib]

Return the set of quibs immediate upstream to the current quib.

The parents are the immediate quibs that this quib depends on, namely the quibs in the args and kwargs of the quib function call.

  • bypass_intermediate_quibs (bool, default: False) – Indicates whether to bypass intermediate quibs. Intermediate quibs are defined as unnamed and non-graphics quibs (assigned_name=None and is_graphics=False), typically representing intermediate calculations.

  • is_data_source (bool or None. default: None) – Include only data sources (True), only paramter sources (False), or both (None, default).


The set of parent quibs

Return type:

Set of Quib


>>> a = iquib(1)
>>> b = iquib(3)
>>> c = (a + 2) * b
>>> c.get_parents()
{a + 2, b = iquib(3)}
>>> c.get_parents(True)
{a = iquib(1), b = iquib(3)}
get_ancestors(bypass_intermediate_quibs: bool = False, depth: int | None = None) Set[Quib]

Search for all upstream quibs that this quib depends on.

Recursively scan upstream to find all the quibs that this quib depends on.

  • bypass_intermediate_quibs (bool, default: False) – Indicates whether to bypass intermediate quibs. Intermediate quibs are defined as unnamed and non-graphics quibs (assigned_name=None and is_graphics=False), typically representing intermediate calculations.

  • depth (int or None) – Depth of search, 0 returns empty set, 1 returns the parents, etc. None for infinite (default).


The set of ancestor quibs

Return type:

Set of Quib


>>> a = iquib(1)
>>> b = iquib(3)
>>> c = (a + 2) * b
>>> c.get_ancestors()
{a = iquib(1), a + 2, b = iquib(3)}
>>> c.get_ancestors(True)
{a = iquib(1), b = iquib(3)}
property project: Project

The project object that the quib belongs to.

The Project provides global functionality inclduing save, load, sync of all quibs, undo, redo, and randomization of random quibs.

See also




property save_format: SaveFormat

The file format in which quib overriding assignments are saved.

Can be set as SaveFormat or as str, or None:

'txt' - save overriding assignments as text file (extension ‘.txt’).

'bin' - save overriding assignments as a binary file (extension ‘.quib’).

'off' - do not save overriding assignments of this quib.

None - yield to the Project save_format (default).

See also

SaveFormat, actual_save_format, Project.SaveFormat



property actual_save_format: SaveFormat

The actual save_format used by the quib.

The quib’s actual_save_format is its save_format if defined. Otherwise, it defaults to the project’s save_format.



property file_path: PathWithHyperLink | None

The full path for the file where quib assignments are saved.

The path is defined as the [actual_save_directory]/[assigned_name].ext

ext is determined by the actual_save_format


pathlib.Path or None

property save_directory: PathWithHyperLink

The directory where quib assignments are saved.

Can be set to a str or Path objects.


absolute file path : The quib’s file will be saved at the specified path.

relative file path : The quib’s file will be saved at the specified path relative to the project directory.

None (default) : The quib’s file will be saved to the project directory.



property actual_save_directory: Path | None

The actual directory where quib file is saved.

By default, the quib’s save_directory is None and the actual_save_directory defaults to the project’s save_directory.

Otherwise, if the quib’s save_directory is defined as an absolute path then it is used as is, and if it is defined as a relative path it is used relative to the project’s directory.


pathlib.Path or None

save(response_to_file_not_defined: ResponseToFileNotDefined = ResponseToFileNotDefined.RAISE, skip_user_verification: bool = False)

Save the quib assignments to the quib’s file.

load(response_to_file_not_defined: ResponseToFileNotDefined = ResponseToFileNotDefined.RAISE, skip_user_verification: bool = False)

Load quib assignments from the quib’s file.

sync(response_to_file_not_defined: ResponseToFileNotDefined = ResponseToFileNotDefined.RAISE)

Sync quib assignments with the quib’s file.

If the file was changed it will be read to the quib.

If the quib assignments were changed, the file will be updated.

If both changed, a dialog is presented to resolve conflict.

property assigned_name: str | None

The assigned_name of the quib.

The assigned_name can either be a name automatically created based on the variable name to which the quib was first assigned, or a manually assigned name set by setp or by assigning to assigned_name, or None indicating unnamed quib.

The name must be a string starting with a letter and continuing with an alpha-numeric character. Spaces are also allowed.


The assigned_name is also used for setting the file name for saving overrides.


Automatic naming based on quib’s variable name:

>>> data = iquib([1, 2, 3])
>>> data.assigned_name

Manual naming:

>>> data = iquib([1, 2, 3], assigned_name='my data')
>>> data.assigned_name
`my data`

str or None

property name: str | None

The name of the quib.

The name of the quib is either the assigned_name if not None, or an automated name representing the function of the quib (the functional_representation attribute).


Assigning into name is equivalent to assigning into assigned_name.


>>> number = iquib(7)
>>> new_number = number + 3
>>> new_number.assigned_name = None
`number + 3`


get_quiby_name(as_repr: bool = False) str

Create a new quib representing the name of the current quib.


as_repr (bool, Default False) – Whether to return just “name” (as_repr=False), or “name = func(…)” (as_repr=True).

Return type:



>>> t = iquib(5)
>>> y = iquib(7)
>>> plt.plot(t, y, 'o')
>>> plt.xlabel(x.get_quiby_name())
>>> # This will create a figure with x-axis label 't'
>>> = 'time'  # -> the figure x-axis label will immediately change to 'time'
property functional_representation: str

A string representing the function and arguments of the quib.


>>> a = iquib(4)
>>> b = (a + 10) ** 2
>>> b.functional_representation
'(a + 10) ** 2'


get_math_expression() MathExpression

Return a MathExpression object providing a string representation of the quib.

Return type:


property ugly_repr: str

a simple string representation of the quib.

Return type:



>>> a = iquib(4)
>>> b = np.sin(a)
>>> b.ugly_repr
"<Quib - <ufunc 'sin'>"


property pretty_repr: str

a pretty string representation of the quib.

Return type:



>>> a = iquib(4)
>>> b = (a + 10) ** 2
>>> b.functional_representation
'b = (a + 10) ** 2'


display_properties() QuibPropertiesViewer

Returns a QuibPropertiesViewer which displays the properties of the quib.

Return type:


property created_in: FileAndLineNumber | None

The file and line number where the quib was created.

Indicates the place where the quib was created.

None if creation place is unknown.

See also

name, assigned_name


FileAndLineNumber or None

property is_iquib: bool

Indicates whether the quib is an input quib (iquib).

See also

func, save_format, quibbler.iquib


>>> a = iquib(4)
>>> b = a + 10
>>> a.is_iquib()
>>> b.is_iquib()



Display the quib as a QuibWidget.

Display a QuibWidget allowing interactive viewing of the quib value and properties and editing of quib overrides.


  1. Displaying a quib widget is only supported within Jupyter Lab and with the ipywidgets package installed.

  2. Quibs are automatically displayed as QuibWidgets in Jupyter Lab, if pyquibbler is initialized with initialize_quibbler(show_quibs_as_widgets=True) (default).